Activities carried out for the customer:
Collaboration with Mobilclan S.p.A. began about 20 years ago.
After several years of activities dedicated to PED/INAIL services and consultancy, in 2016 the customer also chose us for the environmental consulting service aimed at obtaining the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (AIA) for the new production site in Valvasone-Arzene (PN), and also the management of the substantial modifications of the AIA of the Gaiarine unit (TV).
The most salient aspects from an environmental point of view can be summarised as:
– Identification of the best abatement techniques for volatile organic compounds related to painting. The decision took into account the consumption analysis, the type and quality of the emissions, the possible systems that could be used and the company’s future investment strategies;
– Implementation of energy analyses useful for evaluating costs and benefits for the conversion, or eventual disposal, of thermal plant powered by traditional liquid or solid fuels to technologies with a lower environmental impact.
Consumption and emissions are monitored periodically throughout the year to guarantee results in line with the provisions of the Solvent Management Plans and the Monitoring and Control Plans of each production site.
“The working relationship with the Cadel Group has strengthened over the years.
We entrust the group with a number of services, such as the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of our thermal systems, the INAIL and PED planning for thermal systems, in particular for heat generators; in 2016, we also entrusted the environmental consulting service.
Over time we have had the opportunity to appreciate the “integrated” services offered by the Group: this has allowed us to have just one interlocutor both for the scheduled and occasional control of our machinery and for the environmental regulatory consultancy; the latter, which is very important to us, guarantees that we are correctly complying with applicable mandatory environmental requirements.”
Morassutto Paolo
Health and Safety Officer
Customer activity:
Mobilclan produces solid and veneered wooden doors and components, for the kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom.